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Christ-Centered Educational Excellence 

Schedules, Grades, and Lesson Plans/Homework

View directions below for accessing your student's schedule, viewing grades, and viewing homework in the ParentsWeb Family Portal:

Accessing Student Schedules in ParentsWeb:

1. Log into your Family Portal by clicking on ParentsWeb on the top right corner of the homepage.

2. Click on the TRIPLE bars on the top left of the Family Portal and a menu will appear.

3. Click on STUDENT

4. Click on SCHEDULES

5. Your student's schedule will appear. If you have multiple students, you can also use the drop-down bar on the right side of this page to select another student and view their schedule.


Accessing Student Grades in ParentsWeb:

1. Log into your Family Portal by clicking on ParentsWeb on the top right corner of the homepage.

2. Click on the TRIPLE bars on the top left of the Family Portal and a menu will appear.

3. Click on STUDENT

4. Click on GRADES and a Gradebook Report will appear. You can use the drop-down menus on this page to select different student's, different classes, and different terms.


Accessing Student Lesson Plans with Homework in ParentsWeb:

1. Log into your Family Portal by clicking on ParentsWeb on the top right corner of the homepage.

2. Click on the TRIPLE bars on the top left of the Family Portal and a menu will appear.

3. Click on STUDENT

4. This snapshot page will give you an overview of homework, lesson plans, lunch schedule, academic schedule, and more!

5. Click on LESSON PLAN. You can use drop-down menus on this page to select different students and sort by class or date. Homework will also be included in these lesson plans.