Christ-Centered Educational Excellence 

Sue Farmer
Sue Farmer
Employed Since: 8/1/2001
22 Years Experience At School
  • Bachelors - Bachelor of Arts - Lynchburg College (5/8/1976)

Mrs. Farmer is our 4th grade teacher at CCA. She has worked for CCA since 2001 and has also been a 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Farmer graduated from Lynchburg College with a BA in Early Childhood Education, as well as a BA in Elementary Education and began teaching in 1985. Mrs. Farmer is passionate about the Lord and loves working with children who she says teaches her something every single day. 

Her testimony: "I have always attended church, but the first time I actually felt God's presence was during an Easter Sunday service. We had a large stained-glass cross in the front of our church, and just as we were singing "Christ the Lord is risen today," the cross seemed to glow, and I could feel the power of the Holy Spirit working within me. Ever since that moment, I keep trying to build a closer relationship with my Lord!"